First pic of my new ride! As you can see from the pic, she needs some body work done and a paint job.
OK here’s the deal… I just came into this hearse from a friend of mine and got a pretty sweet deal on it…. thing is she needs some work done and since the economy sucks majorly right now (Thank you W.,) I don’t have the funds to do what I really want to do to this great car! So I was thinking… as many people that are on the internet, I’ll make a page and put up a paypal logo so people can donate whatever they can (even $1, cause those add up after a while!) Besides, what do I have to lose?! I’ll even do weekly/bi-weekly updates on the progress of my hearse for all to see, so ya’ll know where your money’s going! I swear all funds are going directly to my hearse, no where else… must feed the hearse fund… pimp her out before Halloween! *weg*
I have someone doing the body and mechanical work, but I’m gonna have to do the paint myself (unless someone who knows what they are doing out there wants to help me out *winks*) I eventually want her in glossy black (of course) with airbrushed purple ghost flames on the sides… I’m not too keen on those sweeping up onto the hood flames… she’s not a hot rod, well not yet at least! No hearse is complete without a bitchin’ sound system either, as well as some killer ground effects, (no pun intended, or maybe it was lol)
and other miscellaneous detailing.
As far as a name goes… I have a poll because there are so many names I’m thinking of for her it’s just too hard to decide! So please cast your vote at the box on this page!
So anyways people, if you feel moved to click that little paypal button and donate, it is very much appreciated! If not, that’s cool too, just keep watching the page for updates and thanks for stopping by and checking this page out!!!
UPDATE! August 16, 2004
Well, after much thought, I’m thinking of going with a black cherry paint finish with pin striping instead of the glossy black with purple flames. Reasoning? Interior is red, and that would clash with purple, and it is so much easier finding detailing (ie: skull lights and other misc. neons) in red than purple. Besides, black cherry finish will look awesome.
I take actual possession of the vehicle this week… it’s going straight to my friend’s house to start work on her. I can’t wait til I can drive her!
Looks like the name is gonna be Natasha, which is way cool… spell it backwards and you’ll see why *weg*
Peace out!
Last updated August 31, 2004